Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School
101 Merrimac St. #310A, Boston, MA 02114
Email: jli112 mghharvard
I am an Instructor in investigation at the Athinoula A. Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. Previously, I was a Research Fellow under a joint supervision by Dr. Bruce Fischl, Dr. Adrian Dalca at the Laboratory for Computational Neuroimaging (LCN) and Dr. Brian Edlow at the Laboratory for NeuroImaging of Coma and Consciousness (NICC). I received my Ph.D degree in Electrical Engineering at the University of Southern California in 2019, advised by Dr. Richard Leahy at the Biomedical Imaging Group. My research interests lie in the application of statistical signal and image processing and machine learning theory to modeling and analysis of neuroimaging data. Of particular recent interest, I’m focusing on the development of computational methods for functional connectivity analysis and functional registration.
2024/08: “JOSA: Joint surface-based registration and atlas construction of brain geometry and function” is now published in Medical Image Analysis. Learn more here.
2024/05: Congratulations to Dr. Edlow for the publication of “Multimodal MRI reveals brainstem connections that sustain wakefulness in human consciousness” in Science Translational Medicine!
2024/03: Congrats to Hussam for the study of “Is high-frequency activity at seizure onset inhibitory? A stereoelectroencephalographic study of motor cortex seizures” publised in Annals of Neurology.
2023/08: Congratulations to Thandar and Olesya for the work “Stereo-electroencephalography guided laser ablation in neocortical epilepsy: Electrophysiological correlations and outcome” published in Epilepsia.
2023/04: Congrats to Dr. Edlow and the team for the publication of “Measuring consciousness in the intensive care unit” in Neurocritical Care!
2023/02: Our work “Identification of overlapping and interacting networks reveals intrinsic spatiotemporal organization of the human brain” is now published in NeuroImage.
2022/10: Congrats to Lars for his publication “Reduced subgenual cingulatedorsolateral prefrontal connectivity as an electrophysiological marker for depression” in Scientific Report!
2022/03: Congrats to Roni for the work on “Age differences in the functional architecture of the human brain” now published in Cerebral Cortex!
2021/12: Check out our preprint for a spatiotemporal functional atlas “The intrinsic spatiotemporal organization of the human brain - A multi-dimensional functional network atlas”
2021/12: “A robust variational autoencoder using beta divergence” led by Haleh Akrami has been accepted by Knowledge-Based Systems.
2021/11: “Mapping the subcortical connectivity of the human default mode network” is now published in NeuroImage. Here is a movie displaying the full subcortical map and a recorded talk as one of Poster Highlights at OHBM 2021 regarding this topic.