
In this page, you will find step-by-step illustrations of the usage of our EZF software. If you haven’t installed EZF in your computer, you can find the installation instruction here.

After installation, click EZFingerprint icon under the APPS tab to open. To close EZF, click the x on the corner (either top-left or top-right depending your operating system) just as how your close a regular folder or your browser. Or you can press Esc on the keyboard to quickly close it.

First, you need to satisfy the

  • Prerequisite

    This section will show you how to use Brainstorm to prepare the data segments that can be used by EZF.

After you prepared the data segments to analyze, you can find the detailed usage instruction as follows. Each of these corresponds to one tab in the main GUI.

  • Setup

    In this section, you need to setup the Brainstorm protocol directory for data importing and the workspace directory for data processing.

  • EZF Processing Pipeline

    This is the main section that you may spend most of the time on it. It contains the entire processing pipeline all the way from data importing and management to model training and prediction.

  • Miscellaneous

    This section lists a couple of auxillary stuff you may want to customize or check, such as preferences, default parameters, utility functions, etc..